在飲食建議上其中一位蜜友 tbull 提到
You can give the gliderade as a treat once in a while ( mixed 1 part to 5 parts water ) in a treat cup, along with their regular dinner. But I would not give the extra vitamins sprinkled on anything. That would be vitamin overload. You also need to make sure that the calcium you are adding to the ensure does NOT have any vitamin D in it. The ensure already has vit D and you don't want them to have too much.
我想使用花蜜粉做為飲食補助也是一個好想法 1對5 以水調和 我餵食BML也是會多補花蜜粉 但不會多補鈣粉之類的 怕過頭
但會盡量給予高鈣的蔬果 如果他們有要乖乖吃 但不太吃我也不是很擔心 所以也會混一點像玉米這種高磷的蔬菜 因為他們喜歡
不過最近喜歡豌豆 其實這個月餵食BML 我是認為攝取已經足夠 再搭配上乾糧 平時也是會吃吃 蟲乾、小魚乾等等一些零食 當是跟他們玩的獎勵
還有就是 讓他們開心點 就像小孩吃糖 但要適量
因為他們不管是吃HPW 或是 BML 一陣子都會挑食不吃 所以哄哄他們用多元手法是必要的
還有這位蜜友TBULL 他在別篇有說
The Ensure diet is not one of the popular ones, but it was the only one I could find that worked with all my suggies.
他知道這是一份不是常被使用 但對他們家的一對小蜜有所幫助
更多文章是在討論安素食譜的蛋白質含量 跟鈣質 及 如何再補充混合蔬果會較好